Friday, November 2, 2012

Web Assignment #5 November 1st, 2012

*Answer this question with the assumption we are talking about photography specifically.

How would you define beauty in photography?  What are the characteristics of beauty?  How can something ugly be photographed and be considered beautiful? Or can it?  Examples?

       I would define beauty in photography to be the pureness and rawness in whatever you might be photographing. With people it would be the emotion on their face or the look in their eyes. In nature it could be the stillness of the trees and mountains with a sunset behind them. Everything can be beautiful when photographed. I think the characteristics of beauty are being real,pure, and not closed off. I think that everyone is beautiful if you really get to know them, but it's so hard to see everyones beauty because many people are shy,quiet,or different. I think that something ugly can be photographed to be beautiful by just capturing the essence of the object or person. I think that if you photograph someone crying it would be beautiful because of the pure emotions, but the person themselves might have an unattractive face while crying. Another example could be if you photograph a homeless person. They probably are scruffy and not well maintained but when you capture that emotion on their face the picture becomes beautiful. I think everything can be photographed to be beautiful; you just have to try. 

Crying can be beautiful too

He may be homeless, but he is still beautiful.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Web Assignment #4- Oct. 15th, 2012

1. Who was Alfred Stieglitz and why is he noteworthy in the history of photography?
Alfred Stieglitz was a photographer and an art promoter. He spent his career making photography into an accepted form of art. He also ran art galleries in New York in the beginning of the 1900's.
2. Choose a photograph he made, upload it to your blog, and explain why you chose it as your favorite by him.
This photograph was taken during winter 1893.
This is one of my favorite photographs by Alfred because you can see all the snow particles flying around in the air and it's very beautiful. I like how this picture can be beautiful, but still have a cold/depressing feeling from it. 

3. With what famous painter was he in a relationship? Who was she?  Upload a painting by her that you like.
The famous painter he was in a relationship with was Georgia O'Keeffe. She was a painter in the early 1900's and they were commonly close up paintings.
This is an oil painting of a pineapple bud, done in 1939
Extra: How did they influence each other in their art making?
Georgia was Alfred's muse and was a model for many of his photographs. Their relationship worked because they made agreements to be alone while working on their art/photography.